Before each session utilizing any modality, Athena will sit with the client and go through an intuitive assessment of their needs. Athena will enlist Divine Guidance led by the Christ Consciousness to ask for direction and help in determining the best course of action. If a client prefers a particular healing modality, the session will proceed with that healing method. If Divine Guidance suggests a particular course of action, the client can choose to follow that guidance. All sessions are centered on the greatest and highest good of the client and all concerned, and as such, no modality is better than another. The choice is simply dependent on Divine Guidance, and the free will of the client. Thus, all monetary investments for each session are equal and a client should expect to spend 1-2 hours receiving healing. The only exception to this is Matrix Energetics when chosen as a single modality, and clients can expect sessions to last around 30-45 minutes.

Clinical Hypnotherapy
Athena will intuitively assess your needs and lead you through certified techniques of deep relaxation to quiet the conscious mind and allow access to the subconscious mind to restore healthy habits, clear blockages, and heal deep trauma. Hypnotherapy is done with the full conscious consent of the client and at no time is the client not “in control” of his or her thoughts, feelings and actions. Athena has received her CHt from the governing bodies of NATH (National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapist) and IHF (International Hypnotherapy Federation). Hypnotherapy is commonly used for tobacco, drug or alcohol cessation, weight management and healthy diet support, PTSD experienced by military and first responders, and anyone who has experienced domestic or personal physical, mental, emotional or sexual trauma.
Healing Touch Energy Work
Healing Touch Therapy, sanctioned by the American Holistic Nursing Association, is a method whereby Athena will use her hands to help restore balance and harmony through working with the client’s human energy field or life force. Using her own body as a conduit, Athena will clear, balance and energize the client’s energy field, thereby placing the client in a position to initiate or accelerate the self-healing process.
Through heart-centered intention and skill, Athena will re-establish the natural flow of energy. Energy will not be “forced” or “pushed” but rather, the goal is to create balance and harmony to “reboot” the energy system.
Matrix Energetics
Matrix Energetics is based on the laws and expression of subtle energy physics and the concepts and laws of quantum physics, superstring theory and Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance. Developed by Dr. Richard Bartlett, clients often feel a wave like motion when Matrix Energetics is applied, as the person being worked on experiences a smooth wave of transformation and the body seems to drop in a completely relaxed wave instantly. This is a powerful modality utilizing the 21 healing frequencies that govern the earth.
Ro-Hun Spiritual Psychotherapy
Ro-Hun is a powerful healing modality created by Patricia Hayes Smith, co-founder of Delphi University in McCaysville, GA. Utilizing the Ro-Hun card method, Athena will facilitate the movement, release and balance of energies in the form of emotional, mental, spiritual, and physiological states. Athena will draw on the knowledge of consciousness and the human energy system, the chakras and the subtle bodies, for the purpose of restoring wellness and uncovering the authentic self. At its core, Ro-Hun combines techniques of guided meditation, Healing Touch and intuitive practice to assist the client on their own journey of healing.
Past Life Regression
For anyone interested in learning about a past life they have lived, this is a wonderful opportunity. Through the use of hypnotherapy, Athena will guide you on a journey to remember your former life or occasionally, former lives. With Divine assistance, clients will generally experience a past life that is most germain in healing or understanding a present life challenge or relationship.
More to Come
Athena is a life long learner and continues to become certified in new modalities.
CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole body health. It was developed by Osteopathic physician John Upledger and is sanctioned by the AMA.